About the Kaliwete

Hi! I am Natz Mendoza-Montes, the resident kaliwete (means leftie in Filipino), designer and aspiring watercolor artist of Kaliwete Creatives!
I grew up in a lush and almost “forest-like” village in Antipolo City, Philippines with my childhood summers spent doing DIY “family projects”—from painting on broken tiles to making painted paper mache napkin rings from toilet paper rolls to paper-plate masks to keep us from getting bored (a by-product of “controlled” tv time from the parentals).
Several Fine Arts college plates & years spent in front of my desktop after as a freelance graphic designer, I found myself in an impromptu session at our balcony, painting a tree in our backyard, on a piece of scratch paper and re-igniting my love for watercolor.
Most of my products bloom from random passion projects turned DIY gifts I would give my friends during Christmas, some feature my watercolor artwork from “sanity saving” painting sessions—my way of finding some peace and relax amidst “crazy current events”.
Kaliwete Creatives is basically a playground for my passion projects - a reflection of my love for watercolor, nature, travel and the Philippines!
Thank you for dropping by!